Saturday 11 August 2018


There are various forms of inteligence but many people know a select few. For the purpose of this post i'll only talk about the ones below.

1 Inteligence- The ability to acquire, understand, and use knowledge.
2 Academic intelligence- in the context of psychology, refers to the skills that typify our examinations of general intelligence: math reasoning and language among them.
3 Emotional Inteligence- the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically.
Artificial intelligence- the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.
Currently we humans are living in a great time because we are in the 21 Century, whats so special about this century you might ask yourself? Since the beggining of time there hasnt been a time like this, information and technology are changing the world at rapid pace, before we had the letter to communcate with, then it was made absolete by, the telegram, which was also replaced by the telephone. Now we have the morden day letter in the form of the E mail.

The more humanity grows the more inteligent we become, we first struggled with cultivating and growing inteligence, when mastered it, we moved to academic inteligence and built schools of higher learning to share knowlegde and do research. After we mastered academic inteligence we went on to study emotional inteligence, which ultimately brings us to artifical interligence.

Artificail inteligence is the last frontier of human evolution and inteligence, here is where we study machines and systems to create a living machine or system artificially. The feild is not relatively new but it has been around since the birth of computers, and this triggered a search for machine or computers that can live, and think for themselves. 

Hollywood  has popularized the idea in the 1990's Teminator Trilogy. Where a computer system named Skynet takes over the world and release all nuclear bombs to wipe out the human race, this version of artifical interligence is scary and basically not the whole truth. 

There are more kinder and useful forms of AI in the world, like Google search bar when you search a word or phase and a pop up say "Did you mean"  or the Facebook "People you may know" but this are not the complex systems that can take over the world, they are basic AI. 

Theres is a growing concern that AI is here to end jobs because there will be no more need for humans in the work place where robot machine can do the job twice as fast without resting. This fear is a real one, soon the assembly line will be moved from the factory and slowly be intergrated into our daily lives. Jobs will be lost but greater efficiency and productivity will be achived. Is this a fair trade off? maybe or maybe not. I'll leave that for you to decide.

want to find out more about AI, follow the link

Friday 21 July 2017

Image result for principles

1.       Be appreciative: Do not take people and their service to you for granted. Say thank you you to people. Write notes. Take time to call or phone someone who has shown you kindness.
2.       Be kind: Don’t cut, don’t criticize. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
3.       Be complimentary : Don’t fake it, make it, make it sincere. Mean it and watch people grow- the reward you receive will be so worthwhile
4.       Be genuinely interested in others: Develop an above average handshake. The sweetest word in any language is a person’s name(talking on cell/ phone).
5.       Be ethical: Your good character is one of your greatest assets. The true test of people’s character is what they are like when they are alone
6.       Be friendly: Without real friends, even a millionaire is poor
7.       Be enthusiastic is fantastic. Like grease on the axle of a wheel, it smoothes your journey to your goals
8.       Be natural : Throw away the mask and be yourself. Be yourself, but be your best self. Do not pretend to be what you are not.
9.       Be happy—smile : Your smile is one of your greatest natural assets. Use it. Economically it takes fewer muscles to smile than to frown.
10.   Be well groomed: Make your appearance an asset—not a liability. When you look good, you feel good and you act good.
11.   Be rational-balanced: Keep your temper to yourself, no one else wants it.
12.   Be time conscious- be punctual: Constantly turning up late reveals a selfish person or undisciplined or unorganized individual. What you don’t use- you lose
13.   Be prepared: Have it clear in your mind, before you meet people, what you want to ask or say.
14.   Be need conscious: Not what can I get but what cat I give

NB. The most important letter in the alphabet is the letter “w” it changes “NO” to “ Now”= Do it now…